
How to Treat a Sore Tongue at Home, and When Should You See a Doctor?

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how to treat a sore tongue at home, and when should you see a doctor

A sore tongue can be quite uncomfortable and sometimes even distressing enough that talking or eating becomes difficult. Not to worry; in most cases, you can treat a sore tongue from home with very simple remedies.

Sometimes you may need to visit a doctor when you have burning mouth or tongue injuries. Let us dive in on how to treat a sore tongue at home and when you should see a doctor.

Common Causes of a Sore Tongue

Before we get to the treatments, it may come in handy to know what might be causing your sore tongue. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Biting your tongue: This happens quite often while eating or talking.
  2. Burns: Drinking hot beverages or eating hot food may burn your tongue.
  3. Canker sores: These are small, painful sores that may occur on your tongue.
  4. Infections: Sometimes, a sore tongue can be due to a viral or bacterial infection.
  5. Allergies: There are certain foods and other things that one is allergic to that will make your tongue sore.

Home Remedies for a Sore Tongue

Following are some simple ways to cure a sore tongue at home:

A. Rinse with Salt Water:

  • Mix a teaspoon of salt in one glass of warm water.
  • Gargle with the mixture for about 30 seconds and spit it out.
  • Do this a few times a day to help lower discomfort and swelling.

B. Apply Ice:

  • Suck on ice chips or a popsicle.
  • This can numb the pain and lessen swelling.

C. Stay Hydrated:

  • Drink plenty of water to moisten your mouth and aid in healing.

D. Avoid Irritating Foods:

  • Stay away from spicy, salty, or acidic foods, which can irritate the soreness even more.

E. Use Over-the-Counter Gels:

  • There are gels available at the drugstore that are designed to help soothe mouth sores.
  • Apply the gel to the sore area and apply.

F. Practice Good Oral Hygiene:

Gently brush your teeth. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles.

Floss regularly to keep your mouth clean and infection-free.

G. Eat Soft Foods:

Only eat foods that are soft and easy to chew and swallow, such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies.

When to See a Doctor

Although home remedies prove to be very effective, there may come a time when you really need to consult with a doctor. Here are some symptoms that indicate it is time to seek professional help:

1. Severe Pain:

In cases of very bad pain that does not improve at all even after home treatment, you should urgently seek the advice of a dentist open on Saturday.

2. Persistent Soreness:

It is important to check if your sore tongue has lasted for more than two weeks.

3. Unexplained Sores:

If you have unexplained tongue sores, mainly if they are not healing, a visit to the doctor is warranted.

4. Discomfort When Eating or Drinking:

If you have difficulty eating or drinking because of the sore tongue, then a doctor should be visited, who would prescribe some alleviating measures.

5. Fever or Other Symptoms:

In the event of fever, tender glands, or any other symptoms being experienced, consult a doctor about the sore tongue.

6. White Patches or Red Areas:

If you see white patches, red areas, or lumps on your tongue, get them checked by a doctor to rule out any serious conditions.

Sage Hill Dental Can Help You Relieve Dental Conditions

A sore tongue can be a real challenge, but with these simple home remedies, you can often find relief quickly. Remember to rinse with salt water, apply ice, stay hydrated, avoid irritating foods, use soothing gels, practice good oral hygiene, and eat soft foods.

If your sore tongue hurts badly, doesn’t resolve, or if you have other worrying symptoms, don’t hold off from visiting a dentist in NW Calgary at Sage Hill Dental. Taking good care of your tongue for your overall health is quite important. And sometimes, it may require professional assistance to make sure everything is just fine.